
  • Real Threats of Artificial Intelligence – AI Security Newsletter #9

    Hello everyone!It’s been a while, and although I’ve been keeping up with what’s happening in the AI world, I haven’t really had time to post new releases. I’ve also decided to change a form, and for some time I’ll be doing just the links instead of links + summaries. Let me know how you like…

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  • Real Threats of Artificial Intelligence – AI Security Newsletter #8

    Welcome to the 8th release of The Real Threats of Artificial Intelligence. It’s been more than a month since the last edition of this newsletter. I’ve had some things going on – including talks at OWASP Oslo Chapter and at Nordic AI Summit (you can find the slides here:, so I haven’t really had…

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  • Real Threats of Artificial Intelligence – AI Security Newsletter #7

    Welcome to the 7th release of the Real Threats of Artificial Intelligence Newsletter. Below you’ll find some interesting links – if you are an offensive security practitioner, take a look at Kaggle/AI Village DEFCON Capture The Flag competition, where you can challenge your AI hacking skills (it’s still going for the next 2 weeks). I’d…

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